With a lot of work. I was so worried of coming back home empty-handed that I HAD to make it work. Also, my feelings were very hurt. So, I promised myself that the next time I went back home I was going to do it because I wanted to, not because I needed to.

Our first stop was Croatia. Then Greece, Turkey, Belgium, Slovenia, Estonia, Egypt, Dubai, and all the way to Asia. I was in love with exploring the world. Living out of a suitcase felt amazing, and I didn’t want to stop!

As soon as I left Mexico I started working with my boyfriend. He connected me with a few friends and I started doing basic online work for them. First, I was doing some small online gigs. Then, became a VA (virtual assistant). And lastly, I stumbled across what would be the beginning of my own little online business!
The Content Community, my baby, was born after realizing the need for content writers in the online world. At that point I was working for bloggers, so I fast learned they required writers. I asked how much they paid per article, and then made my mission to find writers and make my own team. It worked. Not fast, not easy, not straight forward, but eventually I had a team of writers. We were producing hundreds of articles per month.

At first, I was very insecure, like ¿how can I make this work when English is not even my first language? I didn’t think I could do it by myself. But I keep doing it, and with time and effort I became really good at it. Most importantly, I started believing in myself and my capability to work and be independent. Probably for the first time ever.
I came back home after nearly a year of being abroad. I had learned so many new things, had grown so much, had seen and done uncountable things, and, I was making more money than I ever had.