Bali stands out as the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia. And, one of the most visited in the entirety of Southeast Asia, meaning that millions of people visit this paradise island each year.
Unfortunately, like most popular places, Bali also has a downside to its fame. So, you are probably wondering, is Bali safe to visit?
In this guide I will highlight common safety issues in Bali and provide practical advice for a safe and enjoyable trip.
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So, is Bali Safe?
I have been living in Bali for the past 6 years, and after experiencing firsthand the good, the bad and the ugly, I can confidently say that Bali is a very safe place. However, not perfect.
Even though scams and petty crime occur quite often, crime in Bali is generally non-violent. And, overall, Bali is a very safe destination for all sorts of travelers.
The downside is that some people see tourists as walking ATMs, and they will seek to take advantage every chance they get.
However, for the most part, you will find friendly locals who are genuinely nice and not looking to take advantage of you. So, as long as you take a few precautions, everything will be fine!
I decided to put this guide together after experiencing a few disappointing situations myself. With the hopes of helping others avoid falling victim to any Bali scams or traps. Specially for first-time visitors.
Besides exploring Bali’s safety regarding petty crime and scams, I will also discuss road safety, natural disasters, health precautions, possible dangerous situations, safety tips, and more.
Below are things to avoid in Bali and some travel tips to ensure your safety.
Is Bali Safe: Petty Crime and Scams
Bali has a low crime rate, with minimal instances of violent crime. However, taking precautions to safeguard your personal belongings is essential to avoid falling victim to robbery and scams.
Snatching of Phones and Bags While Driving a Bike

I had to learn this one the hard way. And I was shocked to realize there is hardly any mention of this issue online, despite it being one of the major concerns in Bali.
Petty theft is quite prevalent on the streets of Bali. Every day, many tourists get robbed while driving their bikes and using their phones. I have been a victim of this myself. And, honestly, I have countless friends and acquaintances that have the same story.
While it is not limited to phones, it is the most common, as people tend to use their phones to get directions.
However, if you are carrying a bag (or any other personal belongings), and they have easy access to it, it is very likely that someone will snatch it from you as well.
Do not underestimate their ability, and the frequency in which this happens! Please, no matter what, always have your phone, bag or any valuables out of reach.
Take care of your personal items at all times, not just while driving! There also tends to be a lot of pickpockets, specially in restaurants and bars that are very crowded.
This is another unfortunate lesson I had to learn the tough way, after someone took my wallet out of my bag on a night out at The Lawn.
Another big no-no here is carrying large amounts of cash with you; even keeping them at your villa rental or hotel is not a good idea. Instead, try paying as much as you can with credit cards and withdrawing small amounts at a time.
It is worth mentioning that there is a lot of helmet stealing as well. So, if you are driving a bike, be mindful of your helmet when parking in public spaces.
Tours & Guides Scams

There are several scams to be aware of when it comes to tours and guides:
Currency Exchange Scam
The scam involves them dividing the money into different piles, counting one pile, and then handing it over to you for verification. As you count the second pile of money, they retrieve the first one to “recount it”, but this time they drop some bills under the table.
They do it so quickly that you won’t realize. When they return the money to you, you mistakenly believe you are receiving the same amount as you initially counted, so you don’t recount.
This is a VERY common scam and has even been caught on camera multiple times. Check this video to see what I am talking about!
When exchanging money in Bali, it is always best to only do so in renown and authorized money changers. This way, you are sure to avoid scammers and the various tricks they have up their sleeves.
Also, if the exchange rates they’re offering are too good compared to the others, this is a major red flag. Don’t fall for this trap.
No matter what, be sure to always be the last one to touch and count the money!
Rental Scams
Fake properties and fraudulent real estate agents are a thing… unfortunately.
Basically, some listings advertise non-existent properties, using images and descriptions of real ones. Similarly, fake agents offer properties they have no affiliation with. After receiving the deposit, scammers disappear.
To avoid these scams, always verify the agent’s credentials and affiliation with legitimate agencies like AREBI.
Always visit the properties in person to confirm legitimacy. And, remember, if a price seems too good to be true, it likely is.
Visa Scam
If you are visiting Bali for just a few days or weeks (less than a month), you don’t need to worry much about this. However, if you are planning to stay over a month, keep reading.
If you plan to stay in Bali for over 30 days, it means you will have to extend your visa. As a traveler, you are entitled to 30 days with the possibility to extend to 60 days. However, to do so, you will need to visit immigration.
I have also had terrible experiences in this department, both for 30-day extensions and KITAS (temporary residency), costing me thousands of dollars!
Unfortunately, I have found that immigration in Bali is not very friendly to foreigners, nor do they have a straightforward and efficient process.
It is nearly impossible to get proper information in English or find someone who actually cares to help you. Mostly, they just want to extract as much money from you as they can.
Using a visa agency is the most common way to go about it. This way, you avoid going to immigration three times (yes, you read that right!), although you will still have to go once for photos and fingerprints.
You should be cautious when selecting a visa agency, as they can easily scam you. Simply do your due diligence and make sure you are working with a well-established visa agency.
And, just like above, if the agency offers you rates that are much better than other establishments, it’s almost guaranteed to be a scam.
Also, be careful with the dates, usually two weeks to process the extension will be enough and stress-free. Do not leave it to the last minute; the fine is 1 million rupiah per day of overstay.
There are rumors that the process will soon be available online. Fingers crossed!
Buying Petrol Scam

Simple. Do not buy petrol at non-official petrol stations. It is guaranteed you will get scammed.
Along the road, you will see a lot of little shops with racks full of bottles filled with gasoline. They typically refill them with adulterated fuel and then increase the price.
Is Bali Safe: Transportation
When it comes to how to get around Bali, the options are: taxis, motorbike/scooters, car rentals, or hiring a private driver.

Renting a Motorbike/Scooter
This is the most common mode of transport in Bali, so chances are you will be riding a bike or at least traveling with someone who is.
Unfortunately, we frequently witness motorbike accidents involving tourists who rent bikes without proper experience or who are intoxicated while driving.
The roads in Bali are no joke, especially during rush hour when the traffic can get incredibly intense. So if you are not accustomed to driving a scooter, this is not the place to try it.
Never ever drive under the influence, ensure you have an international driving permit, and please, always wear your helmet.
Taxis and Ride-hailing Services

Local taxis in Bali are a big no-no. I personally avoid them at all costs, and I would strongly suggest you do the same.
To ensure you are not overcharged and to remain safe in Bali, it is highly recommended that you download GO-JEK and/or GRAB. These ride-hailing apps offer convenient, reliable and affordable transportation options.
They are the equivalent to Uber in Indonesia. And, they are regarded as the most reliable form of transportation for everyone in Bali. They provide both bike and car transport services.
Hiring a Private Driver
Another option to move around Bali is hiring a private driver. This is a great option when you are planning to do some exploring of different areas that will require traveling longer distances.
Here are a few things to have in mind when hiring a personal driver:
Renting a Car
Renting a car in Bali can be safe if proper precautions are taken. Here are some tips to ensure your safety:
As I mentioned earlier, the roads in Bali are challenging to navigate. If you’re uncertain, it’s best to avoid driving altogether.
Bali’s streets are extremely narrow and bustling with activity, it can be overwhelming. Opting to hire a driver is both affordable and a much safer alternative if you’re uncertain about driving here.
Is Bali Safe: Health Precautions
By taking a few health precautions, you can minimize health risks and ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Key health considerations for visitors to Bali:
Is Bali Safe: Natural Disasters

Bali is a tropical island located in the Pacific Ring of Fire with active volcanoes, which means there is always a chance for volcanic eruptions.
However, eruptions are infrequent, and the areas most at risk are typically off-limits to visitors. Also, active volcanoes, like Mount Agung, are closely monitored, and evacuation plans are in place if necessary.
Other potential risks include seismic activity, tsunamis, and flooding during the rainy season (which typically runs from November to March). However, they’re rare and so far, these natural events have posed minimal risk to travelers.
While the risk exists, with proper precautions and awareness, you can still enjoy Bali’s beauty safely. Bali remains a popular and generally safe destination for travelers.
Is Bali Safe at Night?
The short answer is yes! However, of course, it is always smart to take a few precautions:
Is Bali Safe to Travel Alone?
Solo travelers always need to take extra precautions. However, Bali’s low crime rates make it an excellent destination for solo travel. You’ll easily find your crew (meeting like-minded people in Bali is a breeze), and even if you plan to stay solo, there’s no need to worry!
I first came to Bali by myself, I always felt safe and easily connected with other travelers in similar situations. Just take some basic precautions to ensure you are never an easy target.
Is Bali Safe For Solo Female Travelers?

From my own experience, I can certainly say yes! In fact, this is one of the main reasons why I chose Bali in the first place.
It was my first time traveling completely by myself, and I wanted to ensure it was a safe destination, as I was quite scared.
As a solo female traveler, there are always things to watch out for, however, Bali offers no real threat. Just don’t throw common sense out of the window.
If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to check out more of my Indonesia travel guides. After living here for over 6 years, I have taken the time to write these guides to help my fellow travelers have a smooth journey and enjoy their visit.
Thanks for reading!
Muchas gracias Fabiola. Tus consejos me han venido muy bien. En la próxima semana estaré en el sur. De momento otros tres compañer@s y yo estamos haciendo el norte de Bali. Hata ahora todo perfecto. Sorprendido por la amabilidad de los Balineses.